Testimonials - Click thumbnail for more project images

We love our pool!
- John & Jackie L
My pool is awesome - We absolutely love it. The self-cleaning system is amazing. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Alison A.
I just wanted to let you know we have sold and moved out of our home. Thanks for all the years of excellent service. I have left contact info for new owners. Should we have the opportunity to have a pool installed again we will be in touch. Hope the business continues to do well. Many thanks from the Argyle's.
- Argyle Family
Our experience with Cherry Hill was great. We just recommended you to my sister who is thinking about putting a pool in Cohasset. There were no problems with the installation, in fact everything went perfectly. For years, I thought our yard was too small for a pool - I was wrong. I wish I had installed this years ago!!
- Rich & Janet
This pool is great, we love it. We have not had one service issue in six years. We would gladly recommend you. I love having the pool because my kids socialize here where I can see them. This is the house that everyone comes to and when you have teenagers with drivers licenses, its nice to have everyone come here!
- Maria B.
We love this pool, in fact, it is part of our family culture. We open it early and keep it open until Halloween. And my pool is the easiest thing in the world to take care of. The chemicals keep themselves straight and it is really a dream! This pool wasn't my idea - not at all. BUT -- I have to do nothing! It is just perfect, it really is. We absolutely love it! Thank you Cherry Hill.
- Jeannette & Bonnie
The sales and installation experiences were good and your service department has been outstanding. In fact, everyone at your company has been outstanding to work with. We love the pool! We love the spa! It is absolutely okay to use as a reference. Overall, we are very, very happy. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Bruce & Pam B.
We simply could not be happier with our new pool. We wanted to take a moment to thank you for the outstanding service, friendliness and professionalism you provided us during the entire process. From the moment we walked into the door until the moment our project was complete it was a true pleasure dealing with you. Even after our pool was in you were always there to offer support and assistance as we are first time pool owners.
- Kym & Paul B.
This pool is awesome! We already had a pool and it was 40 years old. We were tired of the maintenance and were really impressed by fiberglass. After years of thinking about it we finally took the plunge. We were very impressed by Cherry Hill and have referred a couple people to you and they love their pool too! Our whole family loves our Cherry Hill Pool. Thank you!
- Pat & Wendy B.
Everything with Cherry Hill was fantastic. Sales, installation - everything was great. The sales person was great, very knowledgeable. I have only positive things to say about Cherry Hill. It is absolutely okay to use me for a reference.
- Tony C.
I love my pool, it's great! Kenny (in service is great). This is just so easy, you don't have to do much to take care it. I am happy to be a reference and if anyone wants to come see, please give them my contact information. We're just so happy with everything! Melissa has been so helpful. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Paula C.
This was perfect installation. Every other contractor I had on my house screwed up except Cherry Hill. I loved the idea of a fabricated pool and I have had every kind of pool. Everyone at Cherry Hill has been terrific, especially Melissa. She was instrumental in a smooth project. I had to overcome environmental concerns with my town. Using a cartridge filter and salt system creates no impact on the environment makes my town very happy. Thanks Cherry Hill.
- Mike C.
Everything is going great with our pool. There have been no problems whatsoever. Sales experience was great and the installation was a piece of cake. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Paul C.
I had a pool when I was growing up and I wanted one for my new home, but not the maintenance and this is a no-maintenance pool. My wife loves it; before she wouldn't go outside. The beauty of this pool is that it takes care of itself. I've lived with the maintenance of gunite and with my Cherry Hill pool, I don't do anything. It is very simple and that is what needed. Great experience!
- Kevin C.
My experience with Cherry Hill was good. Everything went quite well despite extremely difficult terrain. I really love my Viking Pool.
- Walter C.
I absolutely love my Cherry Hill Pool! I have it opened until the end of October we open it the first of April. We love it. Our dogs love it. Sales experience was wonderful. Everyone there is so nice. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Joy & Richard C.
It was so easy working with your sales and installation teams. Cherry Hill recommended Triad and they designed and installed an incredible custom patio. I have had my hand in construction for a long time and I have to tell you that working with Cherry Hill is one of the best experiences I've ever had in 30 years. We now have a vacation destination in our very own backyard!
- Rick D.
I love my pool. My friend was driving by and told me about you. It took less time than I than I ever imagined. It should really be called, The Instant Pool. Everything works great, self-cleaner system is great. I'd gladly recommend Cherry Hill. Thank you!
- Mary Jane
What do I think about my pool? In a word - FANTABULOUS! From the beginning to delivery to installation, everything was fantastic. Your Service Department is right there if I have a question. Please use me as a reference.
- Jessica D.
We love our pool! We've told so many people about it. Sales, installation - everything was great. Please use us as a reference. Thanks Cherry Hill. ALL GOOD!
- Mark & Karen D.
Overall it was a great experience, if I could do it over, would have gone larger - would have gone with the largest pool the company has. I am very happy with everything. We've added automation and now the pool is completely remote controlled. We love it! Thanks Cherry Hill and if anyone wants to come see our pool, please give them our contact information. Great job Cherry Hill!
- Bryan D.
We really wanted fiberglass because we have a dog and she loves to swim. The sales experience was very good and installation went fine. We had one service issue, two days before Christmas and Cherry Hill was here in 2 hours. Turned out to be a simple fix, but it made me feel great that you came that fast. We have thoroughly enjoyed our pool. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Dave & Judy D.
This pool is everything you promised! Once it is open and balanced, all you do is put in the chlorine and clean skimmer. You never vacuum - maybe once at the beginning of the season, but that's it. It's just the greatest thing, so easy. We have friends with other kinds of pools and all they do is clean it - all I do is clean the basket. A neighbor of mine referred me to Cherry Hill as I was looking at vinyl and gunite. His pool went in so fast, that sold it for me. I haven't had any trouble whatsoever. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- David D.
I started looking into a pool and when I talked to some friends who had a gunite pool, all they talked about was the maintenance..the constant maintenance and how they wished they had gone with fiberglass. I am a 110% satisfied with my Cherry Hill pool. I can't say enough good things! From the sales process through installation and service, Cherry Hill has does what they say they are going to do when they are going to do it! Our pool is great! We love it. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Matt & Krysten D.

Sales experience was excellent. Installation experience was fast...Jim was in and out in two days. The pool operates exactly as advertised. From a maintenance perspective, it is the easiest pool in the world. We have never opened the maintenance kit that came with the pool. Never once!
- John & Laura D.
The sales and installation process were painless and everyone did such a great job. I would absolutely refer Cherry Hill Pool to friends and family.
- Tonya D
Everything is just fine with our pool. There were no surprise during the sales and installation process and we've had no service issues. Come by anytime!
- Paul & Nancy E.
The sales and installation process were painless and everyone did such a great job. I would absolutely refer Cherry Hill Pool to friends and family.
- Denise E.
Everything is just great. The sales process and installation process were fine and the service department has responded well. We are quite pleased overall. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Bill & Anelise
Everything is great with our pool. We love it and are in it every day! (Both the pool and spa are wonderful. Sales and installation experiences - no problem whatsoever. We really like Cherry Hill and have recommended you to a lot of people. We are very happy!
- Paul & Nan
I love, love, love my pool! The sales experience was excellent, installation experience great. Jim is the best installer. Service department phenomenal response and treated with courtesy and professionally. I just would never be without a Viking Pool! In fact, it looks better now. These are simplest things. We love it. I can't see why anyone would get anything but fiberglass!
- Cindy & Alan F.
We had a liner pool before and because of our dog, we were always replacing the liner. What a pain and it was and expensive too! Working with Cherry Hill was so very easy. The installation was quick and everyone from your company treated me so very well. Thank you Cherry Hill.
- Wolfgang & Eileen F.
When Cherry Hill says they are coming to open or close our pool, they come on time. When you sold us the pool, you told us there would be little maintenance. Well you were wrong. Actually, it's no maintenance. We've never vacuumed this pool. It's just great! If you have people thinking about installing one of your pools, have them call us and we'll tell them just how great this pool is.
- Joanne & Paul F.
We open the pool the first week of April and don't close it until October. We don't go away anymore...we staycation in our backyard. My husband is in it every morning. Best thing we did was go for a swim in your show pool. Knew immediately that that was what we wanted. This thing is awesome. I vacuumed it once last year. That's it. Takes care of itself. In a word, this thing is the balls!
- Monica & Jeff
After 2 years of research, we came to the conclusion that a Viking Pool was what we wanted. We met the folks at Cherry Hill Pools, and it became clear that we would choose them for our project. They were complete professionals and extremely wonderful to deal with as well. Many Thanks!
- Sharon & Dennis G.
Our pool is great. No maintenance, nothing! Great for family and friends to hang out. Thank you Cherry Hill! Great job!
- John & Kate G.
Our pool is great. No maintenance, nothing! Great for family and friends to hang out. Thank you Cherry Hill! Great job!
- Pete & Kate H.
We cannot say enough good things about our Viking pool from Cherry Hill pools. The installation was quick and easy and on time and budget. We are very happy with the pool; especially the no maintenance fiberglass shell and the self cleaning system. We have used it now for five years and the water is always sparkling clean. Our back yard has been transformed from a rarely used lawn to a real oasis where we spend our summers.
- Bernie & Silke
I love my pool. Its the best thing I ever did. It's the best made pool. If anyone ever needs a recommendation, call us. It is maintenance free. In the four years I have had the pool. I have never put a vacuum in it. The automatic cleaner is great and uses so few chemicals. I used to own a gunite pool so I know.
- Howard & Sherri H.
This pool is great and we love it. We had some challenges with the weather (a month of rain), but your owner stood behind us and completely everything properly. In-floor cleaning systems is great. It really works just like it is supposed to. It's just fine to use us as a reference!
- Colleen & Dave H.
We purchased a pool from Cherry Hill a few years ago. It was one of the best things we ever did. There is absolutely no work involved. Once a week, we put chemicals in. The pool is self cleaning. We don't even own a vacuum. We never have to skim the top. The pool is always crystal clear and clean. All we do is enjoy it. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Ed & Marsha H.
I am so glad I found you at that homeshow. The were no problems in any step of the process and now, years later I still love my pool. I'd be happy to give Cherry Hill a reference. I've had vinyl and gunite before. Fiberglass is such the smart way to go for New England. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Keith H.
The pool is great and I have never used the vacuum. The in-floor cleaning system really works.
- Tracy H.
Thank you Cherry Hill. I can't say enough great things about your company and the whole experience. Between Cherry Hill and Triad I couldn't have asked for a better combination. The result was so much more than I had expected. It shouldn't have been this easy. Any time any one would like to see our pool, please have them come see it. What Cherry Hill did was amazing. Thank you so very, very much!
- Carolyn I.
The swimming pool is good, no complaints. The sales and installation were just fine. I would recommend Cherry Hill absolutely. Thank you!
- Delores & George I
The sales experience was so easy, there was no pressure. We had no idea about fiberglass and how these pools worked, but the sales person was great. Overall, this was a great experience. Our family not only vacations in the backyard, but we eat dinner out here every night and this is where we spend all our free time here. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Scott & Jody J.
I found everything I needed to know online. Found Viking Pools, they're the best pool, Cherry Hill is the best installer. Came in one day everything just worked out great. Loved the features especially the self-cleaner. The maintenance kit you gave me is still in the box and here it is years later.My wife and her friends are out there right now. Please use as a reference
- Paul J.
Jim did a great job getting our pool placed on our rocky sloping yard. Our neighbor built a Goshen stone patio and wall. I love the way the stone compliments the pools perimeter tile and natural color. The filter system worked great. It was easy to keep the pool clean - we're glad that we got the in-floor cleaning system.
- Carol & Joe K.
Even when the weather didn't cooperate, Cherry Hill was great during the installation. The sales process was easy, installation great. I never vacuum my pool. I don't touch those big hoses ... ever! When we have needed you here, you have come. Cherry Hill placed our pool perfectly. We have had a bunch of parties and everyone just loves it! Thank you Cherry Hill Pool!
- Joe & Lynn K.
We love our pool and we entertain every weekend. We have the perfect backyard! Thank you Cherry Hill and send anyone over to see our pool anytime!
- Bruce & Cindy L.
We knew we wanted a fiberglass pool and overall, everything has been extremely positive. The crews who came here to install the pool were great! Melissa did a great job. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Dianne L. 
You were recommended to us by neighbors other friends in town. And everyone was so right about Cherry Hill. You have gone above and beyond any expectation I had. Not only is the owner great, by every employee we've had contact with was awesome. We looked at five other pool companies and you were hands-down, the best in every way. We absolutely love Cherry Hill!
- Jenn & Rich L.
We love our pool. It is absolutely maintenance free and if anyone wants to see it give our pool, please give us a call. Having in lived in Florida, we missed our pool, but didn't want gunite or liner. We found you online and after we met with your team, we had no problems. Great experience.
- Judy L.
I am loving this pool. There is minimal maintenance. Your owner is a good guy. Overall, I am very pleased. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Steve & Patricia L.
I found Cherry Hill online. The sales experience was wonderful and there were no challenges during installation - which surprised me. Cherry Hill did everything right and we have had no service issues either. We would and have recommended you to friends and to sum up, I love my clean and sparkling pool! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- John M.
Friends put in a gunite pool at the same time we put our pool in and their entire yard was destroyed AND we were swimming and enjoying our backyard way, way before they were. We knew about gunite and that we didn't want it. Found Cherry Hill and the sales process was so easy. The timing worked out perfectly as we installed our pool in the Fall. Patio went on in the Spring and we were swimming the first warm day we had. In fact, we weren't even here during the install...we went away on vacation. Came home and everything was done! This was so easy! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Susan & Mike M
We're sending pictures of our pool which we truly enjoy. Our great grandchildren love it and are here quite a bit - which means we also have to feed them. The pool is even nicer than the pictures show it.
- Anthony M.
A friend of ours told us about Cherry Hill. Our pool is excellent, there is no maintenance at all. We love it!
- Jane M.
This pool is great! There is NO MAINTENANCE - WE DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO IT! We really love this pool. Thanks Cherry Hill! Use us as a reference anytime.
- Stephen & Jeanette
This pool is very good! We hardly use any chemicals and I never have to vacuum it. My friend has a San Juan pool and even she likes my pool better. We did a lot of research before going with Viking and Cherry Hill and we are so happy we did. They did a great job. Your owner really takes care of his clients. Customer service has been great for everything. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Carolyn M.
We had a liner pool before and because of our dog, we were always replacing the liner. What a pain and it was and expensive too! Working with Cherry Hill was so very easy. The installation was quick and everyone from your company treated me so very well. Thank you Cherry Hill.
- Melissa M.
I saw your pools driving by and I have to tell you, we choose your pool because of our dogs. I knew their nails would ruin a liner. It was a major consideration. Overall, we are very pleased and enjoy the pool very much. Right now, it is 82 degrees - NICE!
- John & Denise
I found Cherry Hill driving by. I did my research and looked into different companies offering fiberglass pools. Cherry Hill had the best service and I felt confident going with your company. This pool works so amazingly - I never vacuum the pool. It is okay to use me as a reference. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Stephanie M.
I absolutely love this pool. I can't even tell you how great the in-floor cleaning system is. All my neighbors spend hours vacuuming their pool - not me. I grew up with a pool and knew about the maintenance, but I do nothing to this pool - Absolutely nothing. Jim dug our pool and he was great. We love him! . THIS IS ABSOLUTELY A MAINTENANCE FREE POOL AND WE LOVE IT!
- Holly & Tom M.
Diane and I wanted to let you know how pleased we are with both the product and the service provided by Cherry Hill Pools. With the project now completed, we are convinced the Viking technology is everything that was promised and we are also really pleased with the look. Thank you for your assistance and also for the excellent, relatively painless and as promised, on time installation. We are happy to be a reference any time
- Brit & Diane N.
We love our pool! In 5 years, we haven't had a problem. Not one! Its awesome! We never vacuum this pool. It is definitely no maintenance which is exactly what we wanted. Please use us as a reference. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- David & Denise N.
Everything with our pool is great. Sales and installation processes were good - no problems. No service issues either. It is absolutely okay to use us as a reference. Overall, I just love it! I love the fact that we live in New England and can have a pool. We enjoy it so much! Plus, the fact that it is fiberglass, if we move we can and will take this pool with us - that is amazing!
- Ann O. 
The pool is great. I was in there this morning- after running it was great to take a dip. I am telling your right now, we definitely made the right decision to go fiberglass. Once you jump in and feel how smooth it is and just how easy on the feet, you'll be sold. It is so easy to keep water balanced and the maintenance is zero. Incredibly easy to maintain. We really enjoy it.
- Brian & Sonya O.
We are new to swimming pool ownership, but we are very happy and we love our pool. We chose the salt generator and are very happy with it. Getting the salt right took some time, but now that it is, there is really no maintenance and that was what we were looking for. Cherry Hill did exactly as they said they would. Your representatives are great. This a great pool.
- Maryjane O.
We are very happy with the service department. Everyone is always cheerful and ready to help!
- Fran & Mary O.
Where we thought the pool should go, the foreman who came here suggested otherwise and he was right on. His construction experience was a good call. I would gladly recommend Cherry Hill to anyone considering a swimming pool The pool has been very easy to take care of and I was glad to have the healthy choice as far as sanitizing the pool. Salt is so much better than chlorine. The pool really takes care of itself.
- Debbie O.
This pool stays so clean. There is nothing to it. It is great for our busy lifestyle and by all means, use us as reference. Thanks you Cherry Hill!
- Prashanth & Anu
This pool is absolutely wonderful!
- Sean & Sharon P
We got the best of all worlds: the best material in fiberglass, the great shape, color and swimouts we wanted, custom tiles and mosaics, custom design patio, a salt-to-chlorine system, and a custom masonry waterfall. Cherry Hill put in two pools for us and at every stage we were impressed by the responsiveness of their team. Viking pools and Cherry Hill is the smart choice, and their growth is only limited by how fast the word can get out.
- Dave & Elaine P.
Your sales person, was so knowledgeable and we are so completely satisfied with our pool - WE LOVE IT! For such a major home improvement, we couldn't ask for a better experience. Your owner is incredible. Right there to answer questions and address concerns. The only thing we can say is Cherry Hill is over the top! Every Cherry Hill employee we have come in contact with has been fabulous. You gave us paradise in our backyard! Now we hate to leave home! Thanks Cherry Hill.
- Mike & Tracy P.
Everything with our pool is great. We saw Linda, the sales rep at home show and then did a little research. What a great sales process and the installation went great! Service is great too. Highly recommended. We love our Cherry Hill Pool!
- Rocco & Sharry
I had a vinyl pool growing up and I chose to go with fiberglass because I didn't want the maintenance. I did my research online and found Cherry Hill. What made me choose Cherry Hill was that they did all the work themselves..there was no subcontracting - I wanted to work with one company. What really impressed me was not just the quality of the pool, but delivering on what was promised, when it was promised. Timeliness is extremely important to me. Working with Cherry Hill was really easy. Great job Cherry Hill. Great doing business with you.
- Jim R.
This pool is fantastic. Sales and installation experience were very good. I haven't had any service issues at all. Overall, this pool is very good and I would recommend you to anyone thinking about a swimming pool.
- Steve & Kim R.
We love the pool! The install and service guys were great! Feel free to use us a reference.
- Mike & Lucy R.
I found Cherry Hill online searching pools. I'd been in vinyl pools and all my neighbors have gunite, and I had seen a lot of Viking pools in the Midwest, in cold climates, so fiberglass in New England made sense. Between Viking and San Juan, Viking had the better guarantee. All I can say is my pool is Awesome! The best thing is the salt generator; it's incredible. I don't do a thing to it. It's as close to zero maintenance as you can get. I have never vacuum the pool, not once in four years. And with the salt generator, there are no chemicals at all after. Thanks Cherry Hill.
- Carl R.
This pool is awesome - we absolutely love our pool. There isn't one bad thing about it. Sales, installation, especially Chris, the Foreman, he was perfect. So neat and clean. Everything pulled together without a hitch. In-floor cleaner is great. It is absolutely okay to use us as a reference and if someone wants to talk about possibly getting a Cherry Hill pool, have them call us. We love it!
- Paul & Michelle R
We went looking for a no/low maintenance pool and found Cherry Hill. You guys have been great. Always there to answer our questions - you've been wonderful. It is always crystal clear and absolutely no maintenance. We love it! We are just so happy with it! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Liz R.
We are very pleased with Cherry Hill Pool & Spa. Great Job!
- Dave R.
This pool takes care of itself! It was the easiest thing to install and care for. Cherry Hill sure knows what they are doing. They placed the pool perfectly and did everything as promised. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Joe & Eleanor S.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for my pool installation. While I was not able to meet everyone that contributed to the effort, I was involved throughout the process, and as a former contractor, I can say you have a good crew! They really made me feel that Cherry Hill had my best interest in mind and took the time to listen to me and really understand what my plans were for the poolroom and even made some suggestions that improved upon my ideas! Your enthusiasm about my project and professionalism were very important to me. Thanks again to you and your crew! Sincerely, Bob S., Swansea, MA
- Bob S.
We love our pool and couldn't be more pleased with how the project turned out. Cherry Hill has been great to work with. We've never had to do a thing to maintain this pool. The kids love it...we love it. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Andy S.
The references you gave us helped so much and please use us as a reference now that we have a pool. Melissa was great! Jim was great. All the guys were great! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Paul & RosemarySales and installation experience were good. Everything works fine. I have referred friends who bought from you and they too love their pool.
- Marston Mills

Working with Cherry Hill has been great. Really easy! This was an impulse buy at a home show and we couldn't be more pleased.
The installation process was smooth. No complaints! The pool is great!
In hindsight, I wish I had gone bigger. It is an absolute paradise.
- Frank & Jeanne S.
I love my pool! I had it heated to 102 and we were in it until 10:30 last night. With the lights on it was unbelievable! We usually never heated it, but this year we did because of all the rain. Plus we can use it until October! Please use us as a reference, in fact, we are going to be selling our house and it is going to be a big selling feature. Thank You Cherry Hill!
- Kathleen S.
Cherry Hill has been great to work with! The service department is wonderful. Very prompt and pleasant. Everything with installation went so smoothly. We are having a ball with our Cherry Hill pool! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Mark & Mary Beth S
After doing our research online, we knew that fiberglass was what we wanted. Then we found Cherry Hill and everything was just excellent. The representative was excellent, Jim (the foreman) was just wonderful as was Melissa (in service). Very responsive to our questions and overall, just a great experience. We are very happy with both Cherry Hill and Triad & Associates, who did the hardscape. Thanks Cherry Hill.
- Carl & Ellen S.
We have never had to vacuum our pool and the pool heats up amazingly fast with in-floor cleaning system feature. We just love our pool and we are 100% satisfied with the pool and the quality of the work performed by Cherry Hill Pool & Spa. We will continue to recommend them in the future to anyone who is interested in a quality pool project
- Bob & Roberta S.
If you want to enjoy the pool, then hire Cherry Hill. It is everything we wanted. Pool had to be installed for a birthday without daughter knowing about. So we had an expectation of a prompt installation (one month from date of sale!) You guys are doing a great job. When I need you to come out, you come out.
- Mike & Lisa S.
Even though we live near the beach, we wanted a place at our home for friends and family to gather and enjoy. As the space we had available for a pool was tight, accuracy in placement was critical. Cherry Hill placed the pool perfectly. Not only that, but as our installation was done in early March, weather was a factor.We had one week of good weather and the Cherry Hill team worked diligently to get everything done in that time. This has been the easiest pool I've ever had to operate - it is painless! The ease of maintenance and self-cleaning is incredible. Thank you Cherry Hill for everything and if anyone has any questions, please have them calls us and come see our pool!
- Susan & Leo S.
Cherry Hill was unbelievable! I was so impressed with Jim and the whole crew. The process moved very quickly and all the guys who came here were great! I absolutely love my pool! Please use me as a reference if anyone needs more information or would like to see really beautiful pool. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Denise S.
I found Cherry Hill to be wonderful and true to their word. They did exactly what they said they would WHEN they said they would. This pool is a dream and I love it. The in-floor cleaning system is amazing! There is no maintenance to this pool. I knew I wanted a pool, but I didn't want a liner and definitely didn't want gunite. I did some research and the more I looked into fiberglass pools, I found Viking and of course, found Cherry Hill. That was it. There is nothing to do to this pool It's unbelievable. It's really great!
- Sue S.
I love it! My mom has a (San Juan) pool and she has to wear water shoes when she goes swimming because the floor is so slippery. She wishes she could have a (Viking) Cherry Hill pool instead! Installation and service has been great. Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Tom T.
We needed a place to enjoy our grandchildren and this is it. Melissa (in service) has been wonderful. We have a backyard sanctuary.
- Kathleen T.
Sales experience was awesome. We knew we wanted fiberglass and have absolutely no complaints! Cherry Hill has been great to us! They did everything right. We've had a couple of service issues and Cherry Hill was right there. We've been treated professionally and with courtesy in every contact. We highly recommend Cherry Hill.
- Frank & Yogi T.
I am sitting at pool right now. Sales experience it was great! I love it We love our pool! I don't do anything to it. The cleaning system is amazing - we never have to clean it. Great experience - we've never had a service call. I heard so many stories about pools being work. These are simplest things. We love it. I can't see why anyone would get anything but fiberglass!
- Debbie U.
The pool is good. Sales experience was good. Installation was perfect. No service issues We are very happy and it is okay to use us as a reference. Very enjoyable! Thanks Cherry Hill
- Victoria C.
The sales and installation processes were fine; very smooth. We absolutely love our pool! It has been the best thing we did for our kids and our family. We have lots of pool parties. The kids play in the pool, the adults in the rotunda. Triad did the patio and they were GREAT! Working with them was fantastic. We would absolutely refer you and Triad. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Rick & Michelle V.
Everything was phenomenal, the whole experience was incredible. Everyone from Cherry Hill who came over was friendly and great to work with. You answered my questions honestly and from the job foreman who did the site evaluation to the installation crew, plumbers, everyone, everyone was so awesome. My wife is finally happy - VERY HAPPY! Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Paul & Carole W.
The pool is great and the experience just fine. We had some issues and Cherry Hill was there to take care of things. We have referred you to many of our friends. Thank you Cherry HIll.
- Lee & Keith W.
Everything with our pool is just fine. Sales process, fine. There was a little setback during the installation, but everything that Cherry Hill promised, they came through with. We love it, the kids love it and are in it everyday. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Bill W.
We both want to acknowledge Cherry Hill Pool's commitment to sales and service on the recent installation of our new pool and spa. They are on top of their game and we had a great experience with their entire team. Thank you Cherry Hill Pools for giving us a beautiful pool to enjoy for many years to come.
- Frank & Karen W.
Overall, we love this pool. It's awesome! We have never cleaned this pool...ever. I owned a gunite pool before and remember cleaning it every week, scrubbing it, the constant maintenance. This pool has no maintenance. It's fantastic. You sold me on the low use of chemicals. That was totally true. I use one chlorine tab per week. That's it! I would never consider buying a gunite pool again. I did my research and talked to gunite companies. Asked them about fiberglass. They only thing they could offer me was more shapes. No, we'll stick with our fiberglass pool.
- Joe & Liz W.
This pool is pretty incredible. It really is a tremendous amount of fun. Several friends of ours have gunite pools and complain about the work. This pool has no maintenance; it is very easy to care for. The pool itself is fantastic and Cherry Hill was great. We really love the self cleaning and are so glad we went for the complete package - it was really worth it! Thank you Cherry Hill!
- Tony & Judy W.
The pool has really spoiled us as it works very well and we have received nothing but compliments on it. Every Cherry Hill employee who visited our home, during the installation and afterward, was awesome. Cherry Hill has a quality product and great people. We are happy customers!
- Paul Y
My neighbor has one of your pools and I really liked the one-piece pool idea. I would gladly recommend you. Sales, installation, service...everything has been great. My husband didn't want a pool, in fact he was totally against it. Now, he loves it and tells everybody about it. Thanks Cherry Hill!
- Gail & Bob